Even if you are taking other precautions against mobile phone radiation you could be exposing yourself to risk with conventional headphones. Using headphones and hands-free functionality helps keep the phone itself away from the head and brain but that effort could be ruined by the radiation transmitted along the headphone wires. That’s where anti-radiation headphones come in…
Why do you need anti-radiation headphones?
Mobile phone radiation is “possibly carcinogenic” according to the World Health Organisation and increasing numbers of studies link it to male infertility and cancer – particularly of the brain. You might be protecting yourself from your phone’s mobile phone radiation using a WaveWall anti-radiation phone case. But if you plug headphones in you are just moving the problem elsewhere.
Radiation is conducted from your phone along the metal wires of your headphones. It shoots straight up to your brain. Even though you might be using the headphones to prevent radiation from coming near your head.
So what’s the solution? Our Airtubes have an innovative design that stops 99% of radiation in its tracks. Instead of wires all the way to your earbuds the Airtubes are filled with air. Radiation can’t get through the final space to your head and your brain is protected.
Wireless or Bluetooth headphones don’t help – they just use even more electromagnetic fields to receive the sound from your phone. Getting some space is the only way to stop radiation travelling along headphone wires. Which is exactly what Airtubes do. It’s simple but massively effective.
View the independent testing carried out on the Airtubes that shows a 99% reduction in mobile phone radiation.

How do Airtubes work?
There’s really no need for the wires of any headphone to go all the way to the head. We all know sound passes through air perfectly well. WaveWall Airtubes convert sound back from electrical impulses earlier in the headphone design. And doing so cuts the risk of mobile phone radiation travelling to your head.
Part way up the cord and a safe distance from the head the radiation shielded wire stops and hollow flexible tubes take over. This stops radiation from your mobile phone being conducted up to the head along the wires. Just as wires conduct electricity they conduct dangerous electromagnetic radiation too.
Airtubes sound great and work perfectly, just like normal headphones. But they have that hidden trick of cutting the radiation out before it can get to your brain.
The stylish and sleek black design of our anti-radiation headphones is a classic look, with built-in microphone and button. So you can chat hands-free, adjust your music and answer calls while on the go. The flexible tubing and comfy earbuds are perfect for on the go.
It’s protection from mobile radiation while you are listening to music at the gym or watching a film on your commute. Walking, travelling, or exercising… everyone needs protection from mobile radiation.
Sound is crisp and clear with good bass and all the more enjoyable for being safe and not risking your health. Whether you are listening to music, audiobooks, or chatting on your phone, WaveWall Airtubes protect you from 99% of your phone’s mobile radiation.
Regulatory Info:

Effective EMF Protection

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